🎯 Our Saas SEO Process

Search Marketing Should Grow Your MRR $$$, Not Your Traffic

Take a deep dive into our approach to driving qualified revenue through SEO. Our goal is always to drive extra MRR & SQLs, not simple traffic vanity metrics.

🎯 Saas SEO Process

A Revenue Driven Saas SEO Blueprint when it Comes To Driving Pipeline

Nobody cares about traffic, the only thing taht matters is pipeline and revenue generated. Every part of your strategy should be ROI driven and tailored to your goals.



Revenue Driven Strategy Build

Through a deep dive into your department's goals and ICP, we'll map out an SEO strategy in order to drive revenue fast where it matters most for your team.

1. Identify high ROI opportunities through a deep dive into your business's goals & ICP

This first deep dive together into your internal department's goals is crucial for us aligning our efforts in order to hit your pipeline targets.

The goal here is also to identify which pages can drive the most sign ups and revenue for your business that present the biggest opportunity for an ROI.

Remember we're here to make you more reveue, not traffic increases, so we need to be strategic in our approach in order to hit our targets.

2. Audit of existing pages to extract low hanging fruit opportunities

Your websites already has a huge amount of hidden gem value in your different data sources such as Google Search Console, Google Analytics, Ahrefs and Screaming Frog.

When this data is combined, we can find existing opportunities we can capitalise on in the short term for the best ROI possible.

This will help us extract the low hanging fruit opportunities you have in front of you.

3. Conduct a new keyword expansion to uncover new potential page targets

Next we'll want to expand our strategy to fit your pipeline goals.

Here we want to uncover different targets such as :

1) New potential "product" pages

These pages convert very well.

Indeed, often you bid of these keywords through Google Ads.

We'll look to expand the amount of potential pages in order to increase your potential reach in Google.

Some interesting targets might also include product "industry" pages :

- "ERP Software for offices"
- "ERP Software for hospitals"
- "ERP Software for commercial buildings"

- Etc...

These pages are often overlooked by brands but present a great opportunity to bring in targeted traffic all while being lower in SEO competition.

2) BOFU target pages

These BOFU target pages can be any keywords such as :

- "Best X software for Y use case"
- "Competitor A review"
- "Competitor A VS Competior B"
- "Your brand VS competitor A

"These different tragets allow you get get in front of users in the conisderation phase and drive conversion.

3) TOFU target pages that answer you ICP's "Jobs To Be Done"

These TOFU targets are any keyword directly related to the problem your software solves, this is where product led SEO comes into play.

For example, if you sold an SEO software, that would involve targeting keywords like :

- "How to do link building"

- "How to do keyword research"

All these new keywords are identified through manual and competitor research with third party tools like Ahrefs.

4. Prioritise optimisation of existing & new page targets that match your pipeline goals

At this stage we now have an overview of different qualified SEO targets. We now need to prioritise which pages we will focus on and in which order.

Generally speaking we will have around 20-50+ pages to work on which can now be prioritised for optimisation.



Website Restructuration

Once we know our core strategy, we can then move onto to restructuring your site to fit our outlined SEO strategy for growth.

At this stage, we might need to restructure different elements of your site to fit different technical SEO requirements.

1) Optimising your site architecture for a better user journey benefiting sign ups & SEO

Next, any newly identified target feature or industry pages need to be created and integrated into your site architecture.

This also involves potentially adding them into your header and footer for SEO discoverability.

There will also be some other core website features we will recommend putting in place for internal linking.

2) Restructuring your blog UX for CRO to increase conversions

As a very large part of our SEO strategy will be blog related, we need to make sure we extract every last drop of juice out of our blog traffic.

This is why putting a strong emphasise on CRO is so important.

We'll provide you with a clear blog structure to use in order to drive maximum conversions.



Scaling Reach

A large part of Saas SEO campaigns is about generating and capturing demand. We can achieve this through content marketing (I.e blogging).

This will be the bulk of the campaign once our foundational site architecture (Extra product pages) is in place.

1) Creating thought leadership content that drives traffic and sign ups

Let's be real, generic A.I fluff content isn't going to drive conversions (Or rank in Google...)

Maybe one day we'll get there, but for now, we're not there.

So if you want to rank in Goole and position yourself as a thought leader in your space and actually push people to use your product, you are going to need to create quality content.

Plus, Google is getting more and more demanding from a quality perspective pushing publishers to abide to their requirements.

So depending or not if you have writers in house, we'll either create thought leadership content for you that resonates with your audience ICP or we'll lead the content strategy utilizing your own internal content team.

2) Using the blog as a powerhouse for your product pages' SEO

On top of generating and capturing demain, creating blog content has a second main benefit.

Indeed, every new article created in your vertical adds more keyword coverage to your website making you a topical authority in Google's eyes.

This helps your whole website rank better in your vertical for your blog pages and your product pages at the same time.

We'll also pass through various SEO signals such as internal links to help your product pages benefit from some extra SEO juice in order to rank higher.



Building Authority

Now that we have our site architecture in place and that we've started to execute on our content strategy, the last piece of the puzzle is backlinks.

Indeed, based on a backlink audit, we may need to build some extra backlinks in order to power up certain target pages in order to make them rank higher & benefit from the traffic the top 3 positions get in the SERPs.

These backlinks act as votes of trust and are often required to rank higher in the SERPs.

1) Dissecting link gaps with your competitors

The goal here is to match your competitor's backlink profile to close the authority gap percieved by Google.

Very similar to Poker (With the only difference we know the hand of your competitors) we'll dissect with SEO tools which links are making your competitors rank so that we imitate those for you.

We'll analyse the number of links, the types of links, the anchor text used ...etc so that your backlink profile will look as natural as possible!

2) Breaching the link gaps by acquiring niche relevant links

Once we know the missing gap between your website and your competitors we can outreach and replicate similar links.

This way you will match the backlink SEO signals your competitors have in Google's eyes, thus pushing you higher up in the rankings.

For our Saas clients, we only do premium link building which is relationship based link building ( ABC link building ), these links will be the most relevant and powerful links you can acquire.

We'll show you every link built and the impact of the link. This will allow you to verify by yourself the quality of the links built and the tangible impact they have on your SEO pipeline.



Rinse & Repeat

To take your SEO campaign to the next level, we simply need to iterate and scale out our previous strategy :

1) Are there any extra Prouct, BOFU & TOFU targets we can focus on? If yes, we can create more target pages targeting those keywords.

2) Are we still missing a nudge of backlink authority to rank a target page higher up in the SERPs? If yes, let's build some extra links to power that page up!

📌 Case Studies

Recent Clients We've Helped Drive Revenue From SEO


Qwilr are in the sales tech space, they sell interactive proposal software.

They didn't have any structured SEO strategy to drive pipeline in place and suffered from technical and content SEO dept.

Organic SEO Traffic = 12K Monthly Users

Organic SEO Sign Ups = A Few Dozens

Organic SQLs = Handful A Month


We helped them build from the ground up a SEO revenue engine to drive a qualified pipeline of SQLs.

This involved restructuring their entire website and content map. We we're able to achieve this all just under 10 months making SEO a impactful channel for the team.

Organic SEO Traffic = 21K Monthly Users 

Organic SEO Sign Ups = 1120% Increase 

Organic SQLs = 950% Increase

Read Case Study 👉🏻


We remapped their entire SEO strategy to recuperate from the algo update, resulting in a large uplift of traffic across all pages in under 4 months.

We also helped restructure their SEO strategy in order to drive meaningful conversions (Product, BOFU and JTBD keywords) through their SEO channel.

Organic SEO Traffic = 52K Monthly Users

Organic SEO Sign Ups = 136% Increase 

Read Case Study 👉🏻


Korona POS are in the POS space, the sell POS software that caters to multiple verticals.

They we're currently being hit by a Google update and suffered from lack of direction behind their SEO strategy to drive a qualified pipeline of SQLs.

Organic SEO Traffic = 34K Monthly Users

Organic SEO Sign Ups = Existing Flow

Listen to what brands have to say about us.

💬 Client Reviews

What The Clients Have To Say

Listen to what brands have to say about us.

"As an agency, Scalerrs are now an extension of our internal team with great alignment our own pipeline targets... that have helped SEO become a strong acquisition channel for us"

Brendan Connaughton

Head of growth at Qwilr


increase in
Organic Monthly Users


increase in
Organic SQLs

"The results have frankly been quite shocking... the impact made was much quicker than what we expected initially... we couldn't be happier with the partnership"

Michael Calberg

CMO at Korona POS


increase in
Organic Monthly Users


increase in
Organic Sign Ups

📞 Contact us

Need help with Driving Pipeline Through SEO ?

Book A Call To Talk Growth

During this call we will go over together your current goals and identify what an SEO inbound revenue channel would look like for your business.

We only have availability for 1-2 new clients per month.